Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It was bound to happen

I've been stricken with a chest cold :( You know that feeling when you wake up in the morning and your chest feels like it's filled with liquid and it's achy and heavy and your throat hurts when you swallow and your first thoughts are, "oh, crap." Yeah, well, that was today. And my health and mood continued their descent as the day dragged on. Now it's 6:45pm and I'm watching CNN buried deep underneath my fuzzy blue blanket with my polar fleece sweats and my Patagonia zip-up. I'm going to head to bed around 9:00 tonight and try to head this cold off at the pass with some serious green smoothie action tonight and in the morning. Hopefully a few days off from running will do me good and I'll be back in action for the half-marathon this weekend.


wac said...

Get some rest! You're going to rock that half this weekend! Woo hoo! :)

void said...

I am gonna blame the republicans for this as well.. not sure how, but I'm sure McCain/Palin is responsible for this!