Friday, October 3, 2008

Over the hump

Well, the end of this week marks the half-way mark! Yay! Philly here I come!

Tomorrow I'm set to run 14 miles down at Leschi. This will be the longest distance I've ever attempted to run, and doing so after taking a full week off to recover from my cold (thank god this happened early on). My legs are feeling good though - no pain after two back to back 5-milers this week. I'm going to pick up a new knee brace tonight, this time I'm trying out the IT Band Strap, which I think will help correct what I suspect might be Iliotibial Band Syndrome, a common running injury usually caused by increasing mileage too quickly.

I'm just going to take it really slow tomorrow and finish when I finish :) On Sunday, Raj and I are driving down to Portland very early in the morning to watch Wacarra run the Portland Marathon. I'm SO looking forward to getting caught up in the excitement of the marathon and just milling around Portland for the day.

In other news, Spirit of the Marathon comes out on DVD Tuesday! I can't wait to pick it up from Barnes & Noble.

1 comment:

wac said...

Good Luck on your 14-miler this morning! You're going to rock it!

I'm excited to see you both tomorrow! :)