Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's down to the wire, folks

Today I paid an expensive visit to my friend Jeff, the physical therapist. I told him I was planning to run a marathon on Sunday and he laughed. This is what my ankle looks like wrapped up in an agonizingly cold compression ice pack. What you can't see from the picture is me screaming in pain.

So here's the deal - I don't think it's gonna happen. I'm on day two of the Methylprednlsolone and we'll see how that affects the swelling. You can't heal tendinitis in 5 days. Sure, I'm fine milling around the office and running an errand at Costco and whatnot, but this is 26.2 miles, people! I am so conflicted! If I do start to see improvement by Friday, do I chance it and just run the damn thing? What happens if I can't finish? Not only do I not get the medal (I'm picking up the t-shirt at the Expo, but I wouldn't feel right wearing it), but I get a big fat DNF next to my name on the race results. Not to mention the extended damage I'll be doing to my tendon. This is the worst feeling in the world, coming so close, the goal just within reach - and then failing to reach it.

Aaaarrrggghhhh!!!! I don't know what to do!!!!!

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